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Re: Encrypt files on Linux, decrypt on Windows

One cross-platform encryption method would be to use OpenSSL
(https://www.openssl.org/).  The Linux user might use the following

  openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 1000000 -in plaintext.txt -out ciphertext.txt
  openssl aes-256-cbc -pbkdf2 -iter 1000000 -d -in ciphertext.txt -out plaintext.txt

I think the two commands will be the same on a Windows machine.
Assuming both sides have agreed on a decent password, this should be
very secure.  The main difficulty for a non-technical Windows user
would probably be installing OpenSSL; the easiest way might be via a
trusted third-party binary distribution.

I'm assuming the OP is content with a symmetric cipher (he or she 
didn't say).

Best regards,
Greg Marks

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Description: PGP signature

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