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Deluged setup instructions/help

   I want to set up a deluged server on Debian stable. Installing the relevant 
packages there are zero -- none, nada, zilch! -- instructions or example config 

   From my perspective deluged nor deluge-web does not install itself in any 
sort of a working or bare-bones configuration which is the norm for debian-
packaged programs.

   Looking on the web there are a ton of various "guides" to install deluged, 
but nothing for current versions of Debian and many of the guides suggest 
doing all sorts of "odd" things (like creating /etc/systemd/system/
deluged.service files and other lower-level tasks that it seems normal Debian 
packages already do.


   Can anyone suggest a recent/up-to-date guide on how to get a running 
deluged up and running?

   Does this lack of basic documentation/example config files mean a bug report 
should be filed against deluged?


"Lottery: A tax on poor people who are bad at math." -- The cartoon B.C.

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