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systemd-nspawn networking inside VirtualBox VM


How to get systemd-nspawn containers networking so that they can talk to each
other, the host and the internet inside a Buster VM? VirtualBox on Windows 10
which has internet connectivity via a wireless interface.

I am running a Buster VM with hand picked minimal packages, networking is
configured simply using interfaces(5) file with DHCP. I have configured a
"NatNetwork" on VirtualBox which allows the VMs to connect to each other and the
internet. I was wondering if I can do similar thing with containers inside the
buster VM.

I used `debbootstrap' to have a template directory of buster under
"/opt/templates/buster". I then simply copy the directory tree over to
"/var/lib/machines". I tried a few networking options of `systemd-nspawn', but
since I am not well educated about macvlan, ipvlan, I could not get the
networking working at all. I would like to avoid using
"systemd-networkd/systemd-resolvd" especially on the Buster host - using those
it seems should make everything work automagically.

If it works then I will be able to test my Dovecot/Exim setup easily in such
throwaway containers. I currently do testing using VMs.

Does anyone have experience in having this kind of scenario working?


Baby On Board.

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