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Re: APT::Install-Recommends "0";

On 22.05.20 07:59, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
On Jo, 21 mai 20, 19:46:44, Marco Möller wrote:
(1)  I understood that setting the following parameter  in
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/myconfig  will have the same effect as manually using
the flag --no-install-recommends  as in apt install --no-install-recommends
somepackage .
   APT::Install-Recommends "0";


But how is this parameter respected if afterwards applying the following
   apt upgrade
   apt dist-upgrade
Will the parameter also be respected?
I would expect that it will be respected and additionally no recoomended
packages are drawn in.


(2)  If initially having had set the following parameter
   APT::Install-Recommends "0";
then having installed several packages,
then changing the parameter to
   APT::Install-Recommends "1";
what will happen upon the following commands?
   apt upgrade
   apt dist-upgrade
Will these commands now draw in the recommended packages?

Only if the package gains new Recommends. This happens only only on
testing or unstable and during upgrades to the next release, changes in
package relationships don't normally happen on stable.

(3)  If having installed a package with the following parameter, which
status flag is set for the installed recommended packages after having used
apt install somepackage  and recommends additionally become installed?
     APT::Install-Recommends "1";
Will the additionally installed recommended packages be marked as
"automatically" being installed, like a dependency, or will they appear as
manually "installed"?

They are marked 'auto'.

> (...)

Thanks a lot, very helpful, clarified my questions!

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