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Re: Why do I have so many packages to upgrade with Debian 10.4?

On Sun, 10 May, 2020 at 22:03:20 +0200, l0f4r0@tuta.io wrote:
> Hi,
> My /etc/apt/sources.list contains links to buster, buster/updates, buster-updates and buster-backports repositories. I run apt update / apt upgrade very frequently.
> As you may know, Debian 10.4 was out yesterday.
> Now, apt list --upgradable shows me 90+ packages to be upgraded.
> I thought there would be  a lot less to upgrade because I would  have upgraded the most part already thanks to my repositories (especially buster/updates and buster-updates). Maybe it's the case because I don't know the total number of upgrades provided with 10.4 but I still don't understand why I have so many ones.
> Could someone explain that to me please?
> Thank you in advance :)
> Best regards,
> l0f4r0

The release notes[1] mention lots of updates in the section
"Miscellaneous Bugfixes". Those will account for most of the upgrades
you are seeing now.  Assuming you've been updating regularly, most or
all of the updates in the section "Security Updates" will not apply.

1: https://www.debian.org/News/2020/20200509

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