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Re: For all specimens of Homo sapiens - about COVID19

a few things
The white house co-ordinator says "we don't have flu anymore".
It is difficult to believe the figures, states get 39 thousand dollars for each Covid-19 death so they are putting Covid-19 down as cause of death whatever the cause.
UK was doing the same thing as Sweden until the media went crazy and tried to scare everybody then UK did a U-turn and imposed the lockdown.
The Swedish government virologists says if we never had flu and it turned up suddenly the reaction would be the same but we live with old people dying of flu all the time.
Problem is how you get out of a lockdown without going back to stage 1.
There are treatments for malaria that seem to stop the virus attacking the red blood particles and affecting delivery of oxygen.
The elite types that want to control the society outside of the national governments are ridiculing talk of these as they want to vaccinate everybody.
Interesting times.

On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 at 08:31, deloptes <deloptes@gmail.com> wrote:
Nicholas Geovanis wrote:

> And for the record, in the state of Illinois of the USA, there are still
> fewer covid-19 deaths than murders in 2018.
> Quoting a smart man, s/he who refuses to calculate is doomed.

we have April - you get Italy style situation and very soon (exponent)
you'll to crime deaths

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