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Re: Can't find a way to preseed keyboard layout for all d-i questions

Le 29/01/2020 à 16:41, john doe a écrit :
On 1/29/2020 2:50 PM, Yvan Masson wrote:

I am automating Buster installations with a preseed file. To do this, I
boot the installer successfully with parameters `auto=true
url=tftp://my_server domain=mydomain`.

However, before loading preseed.cfg, installer asks for computer name: I
would like this question to be asked in French and more importantly to
have the keyboard layout configured in French.

I have tried many boot parameters (layout=fr, layout=fr(latin9),
language=fr, language=fr_FR.UTF-8…) but could not find anything working.

After answering this question, preseed.cfg is loaded so language and
keyboard layout are properly applied.

Any idea?

You should also use 'priority=critical' to avoid that promt and let the
preseed file answer those questions for you.

If I add this parameter, the hostname question is not asked anymore, and hostname is set to "debian": However I want this question to be displayed.

I also add (1) and (2) because they were instrumental in getting me set
up with preseeding.

Thanks, but I had already read those docs. What is strange is that the "domain=mydomain" option works, but not the "locale=mylocale": do you think I should submit a bug report?
1)  https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/amd64/ch05s03.html.en
2)  https://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Preseed

John Doe

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