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How to set Gedit left margin to 80 characters

Okay, I'm stumped. 

I'm running 64-bit Debian unstable, Cinnamon desktop environment.

All I want to do is set the Gedit left margin to 80 characters, so that text hard-wraps (or at least soft-wraps) at that point.

Currently, with the word-wrap setting in Gedit selected, and a visual representation of a margin showing at column 80, text will sail right on by the bogus margin at 80 characters, not wrapping until it reaches the left edge of the display.

After doing some research, it seems that it may not even be possible in Gedit to set a real, functional left margin to 80 characters. 


Well, can it be done?
And if not, (rhetorical question) why not? 

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