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Re: I need to be root to run this script


15 janv. 2020 à 14:41 de wooledg@eeg.ccf.org:

> On Tue, Jan 14, 2020 at 08:32:12PM -0800, Will Mengarini wrote:
>> And the ls -R would be helped by this:
>>  for f in /etc/sudoers.d/*;{ [[ -f $f ]] && echo === "$f" && cat "$f";}
> I'm *definitely* not a fan of stretching the shell's parser in that
> way (replacing do ... done with a braced command group).
I'm not a big fan about for loop over wildcard *. It lacks recursivity.
I don't know if one can nest sudoers directories inside sudoers.d but I would stick to:

find /etc/sudoers.d -type f -exec echo '{}' \; -exec cat '{}' \;

> That said, here's an alternative that you may find interesting:
> tail -n+1 /etc/sudoers.d/* 
What's the pro of

tail -n +1 /etc/sudoers.d/*

compared to a simple cat as your tail is fetching from the 1st line so does cat?

NB: yes, indeed, I had an issue with my email client about the new line missing (LF) between the two commands ;)

Best regards,

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