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logging for complicated setups, (was: What is agetty, and why can't it be stopped?)

In-Reply-To: <[🔎] 201906101154.09137.gheskett@shentel.net>
>What the hell, I thought /var/log 
>was where to find/keep logs, but when only root can use it, its the same 
>as the belly appendages on a boar hog. Useless. Just because of someones 

I'd have to disagree with this Gene.  There is quite a lot of information 
in /var/log that might be a good idea to keep private on a multiuser 
system, which gnu/linux does a good job at (from what I read, I have never 
been admin on one) and on a single user system, it's plain easy to either 
get to these logs as root, or arrange to have your user able to access 

Now I am not a 20+ yr user like you, but I do agree it is more difficult 
to understand logs than it was when I was a baby.  I'm younger than you, 
but going to be as old as you, so let me know if you find any good 
solution to how much info of what type should be logged, and how to find 
things that are logged?

>From what I understand and have practiced, it's better to log more, use 
tools to filter/sort more efficiently.


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