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Re: Measuring (or calculating) how many bytes are actually written to disk when I repeatedly save a file


On Mon, Apr 08, 2019 at 01:32:48PM -0000, Curt wrote:
> How about:
>  Subject: SSD for frequent edits of large text files?

It's really hard for me to imagine any form of human editing of a
text file that could wear out a modern SSD. Natural language text
files just aren't that big, and human fingers and brains just don't
operate that fast.

To wear these things out you need multiple users, vast numbers of
small writes (because the erase size of an SSD is typically 1MiB or
more, so at minimum it writes that every time), things of that
nature. One person revising their memoirs for example is not going
to hit it, even if they are as loquacious and capricious as Richard
Owlett avoiding giving a direct answer to a reasonable question.

Honestly my advice to the OP as suggested what seems like many days
ago remains: just take a measure, do a day or two of work, take
another measure, check the difference in byte count and extrapolate
from there. I'd be amazed if you didn't end up with multiple decades
of write headroom.

Too much has been written here on this subject without actual
testing of the realities. We can debate forever how many angels can
dance on the head of a pin, but in this case both the pin and the
angels are extremely easy to quantify as they come with spec sheets
and SMART attributes. Perhaps it is an attempt to exhaust our
brains' collective write endurance.


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