Re: Docker and Container Tools Podman/Buildah/Skopeo
On 06-03-19, Reco wrote:
> Hi.
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2019 at 12:17:27PM +0100, Dejan Jocic wrote:
> > On 05-03-19, Reco wrote:
> > >
> > > Canonical's famous for their NIH too. Mir, Unity, LXD - it's a long
> > > list, although RedHat has longer one.
> > >
> > > Reco
> >
> >
> > Mir and Unity I can get, but why would you put LXD in that sentence about
> > NIH?
> Given the existence of LXC, why would anyone need LXD?
> Reco
You do realise that LXD is wrap around LXC, or rather libxlc, which
improves its functionality, while not taking anything from it?
Some of that functionality is live snapshot migration, bit improved
security, improved/easier to manage networking, overall better
Also, while Canonical is not only supporter of LXC, it is practically
major supporter, as far as I know ( but could be wrong about it ).So,
again, I don't really think that it belongs under NIH syndrome.
Thanks for reply,
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