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Re: What are the differences between systemd and non-systemd Linux distros?

Le Tue, 16 Oct 2018 05:59:36 +0000,
Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming <turritopsis.dohrnii@teo-en-ming.com> a
écrit :

> Good afternoon from Singapore,


> What are the differences between systemd and non-systemd Linux
> distros?

Hard question, but you might found some informations if you dig in the
archives of this ML. However, be warned that the "discussions" were not
always polite and informative.

From my own limited point of view, I would say that systemd is closer
than a toolset doing several system-related tasks (managing logs,
trigger commands on events that might be time, reception of
network connections, detection of plugged hardware, birth or death of a
daemon process, and probably tons of others).

On the other hand, classic init systems are usually just the thing that
initialize the system.
Some of those init systems embed a watchdog mechanism, sometimes
directly (no example in mind, but it might exists), or as an external
binary (like runit which uses runsvdir).

Another difference is that systemd is AFAIK linux-only and doing
things in a specific way (declarative configuration versus executable
files for other init systems, traditionally bourne shell scripts), so if
you master it and later want to use, for example, NetBSD, you'll have to
relearn everything, while learning most other init systems will have
some common things.

I know those replies are vague, but so is your question, and I tried to
stay neutral.

AFAIK, all ways can work for you.
Also, this is only a concern for you if you intend to create daemons or
manage your systems in the depths, not if you just intend to be normal

> Is systemd implemented in all the latest Linux distros?

Depends on what you call implemented.

If you mean installed by default, then no, here is a quote from

> GNU/Linux Distributions without systemd
> Devuan uses sysvinit, offers openrc, runit, sinit
> Dragora uses sysvinit + perp
> Gentoo uses openrc (see Gentoo without systemd)
> Obarun uses s6 supervision suite
> PCLinuxOS
> Refracta
> Slackware uses sysvinit
> Stali, the static Linux, uses sinit
> Void Linux uses runit
> Hyperbola uses openrc
> Artix offers OpenRC and runit

I doubt this list is either exhaustive or up-to-date, what I can say is
that I personally use voidlinux on some systems and enjoy it, as well
as I enjoy using Debian on some others, depending on the role of the
And I always have 2 distros installed by system, so that I could
chroot from one into the other, just in case I mess something (which
did not happen since several months, lucky me).

> Please advise. Thank you.     

I can't advise without knowing what you aim to.

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