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Re: ls -la sort order

On 10/3/18, Roberto C. Sánchez <roberto@debian.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 12:31:01PM -0400, Lee wrote:
>> interesting... I get different results for 'ls [D-M]*' if LC_COLLATE=C
>> or LC_COLLATE=en_US.utf8
> Think of it this way:
> en_US.utf8 -> sort in alphabetical order
> C -> sort in ASCII-betical order
> In ASCII, all of the capital letters precede all of the lowercase
> letters.  In US English, there is not a sorting distinction between a
> capital and its matching lowercase, so they are considered equivalent.
> Said another way, in ASCII 'A' != 'a', but en_US.utf8 'A' == 'a' (and
> probably in every locale that uses Latin-1 as a base).

Sure - I can understand some people wanting A a to sort together.  But
ignoring non-alpha characters when sorting???  Eventually I'm sure I
can get used to

but this order is obnoxious

I don't think I'll ever get used to that.  I'm just a bit concerned
that setting LC_COLLATE=C is going to break something & I'll have a
heck of a time figuring out it was because I changed the sort order.


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