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Re: Apache Backuppc problem

On 8/11/18 1:50 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
Hi all.

Debian Stretch OS

I have installed the BackupPC /Apache2 package before and had no trouble accessing the BackupPC GUI at localhost/backuppc. This time (using apt install backuppc) I keep getting a window asking if I wish to save a bin file. The server downloads a file like W6gLcuk0.bin instead of serving up the GUI web page. I have tried several things suggested on line but nothing seems to work. Apache2 was installed using the .iso net install disk.

On past installations, the GUI worked out of the box. Not this time.

Any help will be sincerely appreciated.

Gary R

I see that there is an apache.conf file in the /etc/backuppc directory.  My installation has a symbolic link to that file in the /etc/apache2/conf-enabled directory.  The settings in that file seem to control the backuppc cgi-bin directory.  Here is what in my file:

Alias /backuppc /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/

<Directory /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/>
        AllowOverride None
        Allow from all

        # Uncomment the line below to ensure that nobody can sniff importanti
        # info from network traffic during editing of the BackupPC config or
        # when browsing/restoring backups.
        # Requires that you have your webserver set up for SSL (https) access.

        Options ExecCGI FollowSymlinks
        AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
        DirectoryIndex index.cgi

        AuthUserFile /etc/backuppc/htpasswd
        AuthType basic
        AuthName "BackupPC admin"
        require valid-user


Hope this gets you in the right direction.



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