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Re: a dh keys question?

On August 1, 2018 2:50:39 PM EDT, Karen Lewellen <klewellen@shellworld.net> wrote:
>just a slight update..and correction of an idea below.
>On Wed, 1 Aug 2018, Dan Purgert wrote:
>> Precisely.  DH failures are typically because one end or the other is
>> trying to use an "out of bounds" keysize.  E.g. you have a SSH 7.x
>> client, and the server is 6.0 or lower.
>Not the case here,
>as stated the problem exists, on every server I have tried,  that uses 
>port 22.

That doesn't prove or disprove anything about a mismatch between client and server versions.

>> The error message is _probably_ something like this, right (note -
>> require "ssh -vv" in order to see):
>not at all.
>As stated I was able to do this until about 5:00 p. m. on the last 
>of   June.
>Additionally, one test done this morning, of a server using a port
>than   22 proves my concern.  I could reach it perfectly.
>Granted I intend doing yet another test  on a different server  with
>the port number changed. However regardless of where I visit, even 
>I should have no issues  like the chat.shazow  idea,
>The error is the same.

As someone else said, it might be your ISP, though if it was them, you'd be getting a different error than the Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

But without seeing logs, it's kind of impossible to see what's going on.

>> A simple check to make things work is running the ssh command as
>My client already allows an option for  some slight dh key
>no difference.

What client are you using that you can change them?  I mean, the DH Key Exchange parameters are hard-coded in the openssh source (and cannot be changed without recompiling the client).

>I cannot type the command you put here, but  it does not seem to be the fastest solution.

I don't follow what you mean here.

(Apologies to all in case of weird formatting, responding from my mobile)

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