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Re: BTRFS and debian

On Thu, Jul 12, 2018 at 07:53:01PM -0700, David Christensen wrote:
> I have been reading Evi Nemeth, et al, 2018, "Unix and Linux System
> Administration Handbook", 5 e..  The authors make the point that cloud
> servers should be treated like cattle, not like pets -- e.g. when pets are
> sick, you expend resources trying to heal them; when cattle are sick, you
> shoot them [p. 272, fifth paragraph].

This is because you have many cattle doing the same things for
you, whereas you have a unique relationship with each pet.

So if you have three or thirty web servers handling the same
application, you can shoot and replace one with minimal impact;
if you have one database server, you had better treat it well.

Both cattle and pets continue to exist, because they serve
different needs. The tools that enable cattle can allow you to 
heal or resurrect a pet, but at a higher upfront cost.


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