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Re: making more room in root partition for distribution upgrade

On 2018-05-21, Mark Copper <mcopper@straitcity.com> wrote:
> No, I had not considered playing with any part of /var. With /var
> taking less than 1 gb and /var/cache/apt/archives less than 1mb, /usr
> had seemed the elephant in the room. Might that be a way to go? I just
> need to get to Stretch for now.

There's actually advice in the release notes to that effect (along with other
strategies for freeing or finding necessary space):


A command can be run that supposedly will warn the constrained user if
she hasn't enough room on disk for the upgrade (this after modifying the
/etc/apt/sources.list file to point to Stretch and running apt(-get)

 apt-get -o APT::Get::Trivial-Only=true dist-upgrade

This failed to work as promised in my case (or I failed somehow
somewhere along the line), and I ran out of room during my upgrade, but
bungled through. I will spare the forum the gruesome details of my

The release notes even give detailed instructions as to how you might mount
bind (or is bind mount?) a usb key as a temporary /var/cache/apt/archives

Good luck.

> Thank you.


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