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Re: XFCE problems

On 3/31/18, Joe <joe@jretrading.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Mar 2018 17:45:42 -0500
> Dennis Wicks <wix@mgssub.com> wrote:
>> I use XFCE and usually my name, the clock and some other
>> stuff is at the right of the top status(?) bar and the App
>> icon and window names are at the left. And they stay there.
>> Something has changed. everything is bunched up to the left
>> and changes in size depending on how many windows I have in
>> the workspace.
>> Does anybody know what/where I have to change to get the
>> behavior back to previous?
> As others have said, open Panel, Panel Preferences. The main tab is
> Display and has a setting for panel sizes, and whether they are fixed
> or dynamic. If you have more than one panel, start from any of them and
> select using the list box at the top of the dialog.
> OK, it shouldn't change by itself...

Yeah, that's what I keep thinking, too. One method of change, via
Applications menu, takes a number of deliberate steps to get to the
point of changing it.

A second method is right click over the separator, and then you're
there. That causes me to think out loud... that it might could happen
"spontaneously" in that case. Just this past week, I've had several
incidences where something like this could have happened to me.

Most recent was that nothing I tried stopped my setup from one time
deleting selected emails in Gmail and a different time sending
selected emails to the sp am bucket. Both incidences happened in a
heartbeat. If I had looked away for even a split second, I would have
had no idea what likely happened.

In my (also XFCE4) case, what likely happened appeared *possibly*
related to memory.. *possibly* not. I lost "control" of the cursor for
a few seconds. Could move it around, but that was it. Neither left
click nor right click *appeared* to respond.

Sometimes ESC has helped in that kind of case but not in those two
latest instances. Those two happened within maybe two minutes of each

It did happen a third time, but I can't remember how. Maybe it was
something like right click and open the Alarm Clock package... which
is right up there alongside separators now that I think about it. :)

That makes it a two-step deal instead of the other two instances where
a Gmail action button was the only thing pushed. That leaves room in
*my brain* to consider it possible to have had a rapid fire,
*seemingly spontaneous* click-click-click THREE-step action occur,
e.g. right click over separator, spontaneously hit Properties, AND
then "spontaneously" untoggle the Expand feature....

I'd be paranoid in my case if it wasn't for keeping a constant eye on
"free -m" lately. 6GB of memory keeps vanishing with my Opera browser.
Seems a rational causative.

Important factor is that yes, that much [lost] memory is definitely
directly tied to the browser. That memory's consumed as soon as I
refresh all opened tabs before logging onto the Net on a fresh reboot.

Then again, I *am* paranoid in my case because the uncontrollable
actions are not happening endlessly while computer memory has been
maxxed 24/7 for weeks.

So far, uncontrollable incidences have only occurred on two different
days while involving three distinct, non-intended actions. All three
incidences have involved a total of possibly 30 seconds of my
conscious awareness.

Cindy :)
Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* runs with duct tape *

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