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Re: Fwd: Re: Unknown URL


On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 03:48:13PM -0500, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> > I need to think about it. I have that feeling that I'm missing something
> > trivial.

> I will appreciate your further thoughts.
> Frankly, I don't have much confidence as far as AT&T being of any help.  The
> installer that Upgraded us to a fiber optic network was quite knowledgeable,
> but had played with Linux a bit in the past but got discouraged.
> At this ;point by day is done.
> More tomorrow.

So, a new day, new thoughts.

Let's sum it up first:

> 2600:1700:4280:3690::46 dev enp2s0 proto kernel metric 256  expires 1201893sec pref medium

You have /128 address given you by your router.

> 2600:1700:4280:3690::/64 dev enp2s0 proto ra metric 100  pref medium

And, you have your usual /64 route from /64 address procured by RA.

> 2600:1700:4280:3690::/60 via fe80::3e04:61ff:feb3:3c20 dev enp2s0 proto ra metric 100  pref medium

But, you have /60 route with the gateway address, which should serve the
purpose of connecting to *other* IPv6 addresses from /60 block that's
assigned to you. Unusual, but probably OK.

> fe80::3e04:61ff:feb3:3c20 dev enp2s0 proto static metric 100  pref medium
> fe80::/64 dev enp2s0 proto kernel metric 256  pref medium

These are your usual link-local routes.

> default via fe80::3e04:61ff:feb3:3c20 dev enp2s0 proto static metric 100 pref medium

And that's fishy. Why is this route is designated as "proto static", i.e.
added by hand? Kernel RA does not work like this.

Assuming that your router is configured correctly (i.e. the way AT&T
want it to be configured), that points us to the whatever your host is
using for the network configuration.

So let's put it aside for the moment. A quick test like this should
clear things a bit (everything that's in here requires root):

ip netns add test
ip link add link enp2s0 name net0 type macvlan mode private
ip link set net0 netns test
ip netns exec test ip link set lo up
ip netns exec test ip link set net0 up
sleep 120
ip netns exec test ip a l
ip netns exec test ip -6 ro l
ip netns exec test traceroute -n 2a02:16a8:dc41:100::233
ip netns del test

Basically, that creates a separate network namespace, clones your wired
NIC into it, waits for the kernel RA autoconfiguration to kick in, and
destroys it.


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