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Resolved -[Re: Atypical mod to icons used to launch programs.]

On 02/14/2018 05:46 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Wed 14 Feb 2018 at 14:40:09 (-0600), Richard Owlett wrote:
On 02/14/2018 01:56 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 02/14/18 10:57, Richard Owlett wrote:
I use Stretch with MATE as desktop.
My current icons are from /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48 .
I have multiple configurations of some programs installed.

I would like to use icons that are semantically related.
I would like to use custom icons that are 48 high X 96 wide.
These would be created joining two 48x48 icons side by side.

Would the MATE panel &/or desktop accept these?
Assuming it would, is there a simple graphic program that would
accept to identically formatted images and place them side by
side in a new image?
If MATE cannot accept rectangular rather than square icons, I
suspect I can create an app that can (I think I've seen Tcl/Tk
that could be adapted).

I don't know what icons MATE will accept.

As for making icons, the defacto OSS graphics editor is GIMP:


Or, if you want a CLI app and/ or a library that you can call from
your favorite programming/ scripting language to exactly what you


Thanks for trying. I had already downloaded both.

Good, you're almost there.

The are *TOO* powerful to be useful.


ImageMagick can indeed do what I want using
  montage icon1.png icon2.png -mode Concatenate -tile x1 output.png

My problem was how the homepage was laid out, concealing what an end user rather than programmer would want.

Someone on another forum pointed me to
"ImageMagick v6 Examples -- Montage, Arrays of Images"

That page is well written and its intended audience is users such as myself. YMMV

I can't use the result as I intended on MATE's panels - it only displays square [not rectangular] images. However, when used on the desktop, it does fine.

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