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Re: looking for drawing program to inscribe a square in a circle and label items

Dan Hitt <dan.hitt@gmail.com> writes:

> I'm looking for a gui drawing program that will let me, for example,
> draw a circle, inscribe a square in the circle, connect the opposite
> edges of the square with line segments, draw the diagonals of the
> square, and label the vertices, edges, and regions of the figure.
> So, something like xfig, except that it should have geometrically
> describable grouping or linking options.  (You can glue objects
> together with xfig, but afaik not link them loosely, like through a
> point of tangency.)
> I.e., if i draw two primitives (like a square and a circle), then it
> should be possible to demand that they stay tangent, or that the
> corners of the square be on the cricle (inscription), and these
> relations will continue to hold if one primitive or the other is
> resized or scaled or moved (and the relations should be recorded as
> some kind of constraints in the file format).
> Maybe some kind of svg editor is capable of doing this?
> Anyhow, tia for any pointers.

I'll take a guess librecad (which is my go-to 2D drawing package these
days) can probably do it.

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