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Re: does elinks have a show hidden links option?

On Tue, 12 Dec 2017, Karen Lewellen wrote:


Hi Karen.

I am not a user of elinks, so I can present no direct solution to your
problem here. Nonetheless, I have a comment or two, which I hope will
be understood in accordance with the constructive spirit in which I
offer them.

working with PayPal e-mail  come to think of it,

First comment: Is there prior context to this question? I see none on
this mailing list. Just FYI.

does elinks have a way to change the character set display?

Second comment: You have not, as far as I can tell, fully described
here the context that motivates you to seek to change the character
set. In other words, what is the specific problem you experience (on
paypal's website, I gather) that makes you want to change the
character set?

This skipping past the step of specifying the actual problem might be
an instance of the X-Y Problem, as described on Greg Wooledge's wiki
at http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem

Below is an excerpt of the discussion that can be found there:

| The X-Y Problem, as it is sometimes called, is a mental block which
| leads to enormous amounts of wasted time and energy, both on the
| part of people asking for help, and on the part of those providing
| help. It often goes something like this:
| | * User wants to do X.
|   * User doesn't know how to do X, but thinks they can fumble their
|     way to a solution if they can just manage to do Y.
|   * User doesn't know how to do Y either.
|   * User asks for help with Y.
|   * Others try to help user with Y, but are confused because Y seems
|     like a strange problem to want to solve.

[Note: I, davidson, do not wish to suggest that wanting to change the
character set in elinks is a "strange problem". But your original post
appears to leave entirely to our imaginations the specific problem you
are experiencing with paypal's website when using elinks.]

|   * After much interaction and wasted time, it finally becomes clear
|     that the user really wants help with X, and that Y wasn't even a
|     suitable solution for X.
| | The problem occurs when people get their train of thought stuck on
| one approach and become unable to take a step back. Remaining open
| to having a new look at the bigger picture, these people might find
| their way back to X and continue searching for alternative
| solutions.

No idea if this will help, but paypal only lets me use one browser
now..all others generate an image verification.

That is appalling. Encountering such arbitrary design decisions
(willful breakage of accessibility, really) must be very frustrating.

I hope you find a remedy in this instance.

Good luck!


@wakandaho 10 Dec 2017

ppl on twitter who use a dense sociopolitical vocabulary even when
they aren't tweeting about an issue are annoying af. Sometimes they
can make a point using language everyone can understand but they
choose not to, which is linguistically inappropriate and a form of

@wakandaho 10 Dec 2017 | @wakandaho

wish yall would get some basic knowledge on sociolinguistics and how
not only language but also language use can be a form of
exclusion. Yall sometimes use sociopolitical jargon a)
inappropriately, b)just to sound faux intellectual, c)with people whom
YOU KNOW don't understand

@gollygrahams 10 Dec 2017 | @wakandaho

not everyone can understand this . u should say: do not use long word.

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