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Re: which display manager would you suggest for Stretch?

Hi Raju,

On Thu, 24 Aug 2017 02:37:41 -0400
kamaraju kusumanchi <raju.mailinglists@gmail.com> wrote:

> The popsort.py utility is written by me. It can be downloaded from
> https://gitlab.com/d3k2mk7/rutils/blob/master/bin/popsort.py  and is
> documented at
> http://raju.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Sort_output_of_apt-cache_search_by_popularity .
> I would appreciate if you have any feedback/comments/criticism on this
> script (no matter how small you think it is).

very nice indeed, thanks for sharing!
Only (very small) "criticism" (just because you were asking): I think the
output would be more "intuitive" to read if the most popular package
appears in the output first. I think adding a "sorted_lines.reverse()" in
sort_lines() just before the "return" statement would do that. But maybe
this is only my personal preference at all and other people like it
better the way it is.

Thanks again and best regards


.-.. .. ...- .   .-.. --- -. --.   .- -. -..   .--. .-. --- ... .--. . .-.

There is an old custom among my people.  When a woman saves a man's
life, he is grateful.
		-- Nona, the Kanuto witch woman, "A Private Little War",
		   stardate 4211.8.

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