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Re: How to gain control over the system?

On 2017-07-12 at 03:49, Felix Miata wrote:
Kaj Persson composed on 2017-07-11 22:29 (UTC+0200):
ls -Al /home:
drwxr-xr-x 39 kaj  kaj  16384 jul 11 17:23 kaj

and from the command
tree -qpadxugL 2 /home:
│   ├── [drwxrwx--- root     kaj     ]  DATA
│   ├── [drwxrwx--- root     kaj     ]  Hämtningar
│   ├── [drwxrwx--- root     kaj     ]  Musik
│   ├── [drwxrwx--- root     kaj     ]  Nedladd
Definitely not OK, making one wonder what lurks deeper or elsewhere.

and from
tree -qpadxugL 3 /home/kaj/.config:
OK only as deep as you went.

I see nothing which gives me an idea of what is wrong. Are there any
more files or directories to look at? In /etc perhaps?
You're not done looking. Until you get all the way to the bottom, you can't know
what else is wrong. You apparently need depth of at least 3 in the other hidden
directories, at least 4 in .config, and probabliy 4 or more in all.


	chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kaj/

as root should fix them all. If it doesn't, chown would seem to be broken.

Maybe this in addition?

	chown -R 1000:1000 /home/kaj/.*

Try MC in fullscreen mode. That way every listing you can see will display
Some of you did react strongly on the ownership on some of the directories. They are owned by root and have group access by group kaj (1000). I tried to shortly explain why. They are mounted vfat partitions, and as far as I have succeeded to mount them, this is the result. I suppose that those people are purists with not too big experience of mixed environments. If I go solely with ext4 partitions, all this is much easier, but I have reasons to have at least half a window open towards the Microsoft world with common data, so that's it. Maybe ntfs is a better choice, and simpler to manage, but at that time, many years ago when I had to chose, the support for that file system was not sufficiently good, so my choice became vfat.

As always only root can mount a file system. In the case vfat, which does not have an access system by its own, the owner of the mounted system will be root. According to "man mount" you could put the option uid=1000 (or any), and I do so in my fstab, but at least I have not got this to work. However gid=1000 works fine, and that way I get full access to the vfat partitions. I use umask=007. Possibly you could use 707, but this has not caused me any problems during all these years I have used this method. And these vfat partitions are used purely for user data: photos, documents, downloads etc. Unpacking the downloads are normally performed in an ext4 partition and run from there. Moreover chown has no impact on these mounts. The only way to change the ownership (which does not work) or group, is by umount and a new mount. Not even the option remount has any effect, at least according to my experience. Also, all files and all subdirectories inherit the owner and group properties from its parents all way up, so strictly it is sufficient to look at the top level of all mounts. In my case all mounts except /usr/local are mounted at subdirectories of /mnt. Then some of them have got an extra entry via mount --bind in $HOME, and it is those you see in the list with root as the owner. I have looked at all files down to the bottom of the tree, but this list is not suitable to present in this forum, much too long. Already the previous lists were too big, but I wanted you to see the principle. Nowhere in this huge list I can see an incorrect root influence.

BUT! What I lack is power to arrange my desktop and panels. Isn't there some file somewhere in which I should be set access to these facilities, something like sudo access? Maybe a group I should belong to, or something like this? I do not have enough knowledge of all this, but I hope someone in the forum will have.


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