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Re: su won't work from a debian live USB install

On Sun, 2017-06-25 at 19:20 -0400, daniel theobald wrote:
> I installed the Debian 9 from a Debian live amd64 image I downloaded
> today.  Everything works great, but I can't su to apt-get anything
> new.
> theo@debian:~$ su
> Password: 
> su: Authentication failure
> I have reinstalled twice, being super careful to get the password
> right, etc.  But it simply doesn't seem to work on this version. 
> Anyone else seeing this problem?
> Thanks,
> Daniel


I have seen this issue too.

I have not had time to look into this issue, but believe it maybe
related to a known issue No. 3 on:



After the live 9.0.0 ISO failed early in install and now the 'su'
issue. This raises questions about the testing and QA of of the live
ISO images, both pre release and at release time that need to be
discussed and addressed in-order to avoid them in the future.



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