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Re: installer defaults for desktops (was Re: Suggested edit)

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> On Mar 23, 2017, at 2:03 PM, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com> wrote:
> Please calm down, why the aggression? :-(

Lisi is incensed with my suggestion that the netinst installer should refuse to continue if no network card is recognized and configured. She sincerely believes Debian is, and should be, only for expert users. My suggestion in no way detracts from the ability of an expert to perform the type of installation they want, while eliminating a major source of "failed" installations where beginners end up with a base system only installed. 

They presume some large number of expert users want to use netinst to get a base system only server installation with no network capability. I find it ludicrous; what about the server packages they need and security updates? No, it is really about keeping it harder than it needs to be to begin using Debian, preferring that those inferior, inexpert people use Mint or Ubuntu, as Lisi has admitted she wants.


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