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Re: HELP! Re: How to fix I/O errors? (SOLVED)

On 02/08/2017 05:32 PM, David Christensen wrote:
On 02/08/17 15:59, Marc Shapiro wrote:
So how do I lay down a low level format on [the new 1 TB] drive?

I would use the SeaTools bootable CD to fill the drive with zeroes:

On 02/03/17 23:13, David Christensen wrote:
> Sometimes you get lucky and the tool is a live CD:
> www.seagate.com/files/www-content/support-content/downloads/seatools/_shared/downloads/SeaToolsDOS223ALL.ISO


I didn't feel like burning a CD and it has been a long time since I had a box with a 3.5" floppy (although i do have one or two drives in a box somewhere and quite a few of the folppies, themselves, as well) so I just used dd to write zeros to the disk. It took a while, but it did the job. In the end, I picked yet another method for moving to the new disk. As mentioned in my first post, I am using LVM and I have unused space in the VG. I was debating with myself whether I wanted to continue to use LVM, or just use raw disk partitions. I almost went with raw disk partitions before I came across 'pvmove', which does exactly what I needed. So...

I partitioned the new disk with 3 physical partitions of 2GB each for root/boot partitions.

The 4th partition was set up for LVM and was set as a Physical Volume (PV) to be added to the volume group along with my old drive.

Before adding the new disk, I created a new Logical Volume (LV) and manually copied my home partition (one user tree at a time) to the new partition. This spat out errors whenever it hit an unreadable sector and I redirected those errors to a file for later use.

I then added the LVM partition from the new disk to the Volume Group (VG) and did a 'pvmove' for each LV from the old PVto the new PV.

I included the original LV for /home, along with the newly copied LV. I expected it to spit out errors and fail, but it didn't. I could hear it struggle a bit when it hit the bad spots, but then it kept going. This was actually a good thing. I had the list of affected files from when I did the manual copy of the /home partition, so I knew what to check after the move. Several of the files were videos. Using the original files before copying, Xine would play up to the first I/O Error and then freeze, even though it continued to read the file and advance the timeline until the file ended. Using the manually copied file, which truncated at the first error, I also only got the beginning of the video and then it ended. Using the file from the original LV which I moved to the new disk with pvmove, however, gave better results. There is a bit of flicker when it hits a sector that had been unreadable before moving, but it continues on so the rest of the video can be viewed. A few of the other files I did delete (Libre Office document files do not survive well, but I have a PDF of that file if I ever need it again).

Then I just had to copy over the root/boot partitions which I did from a shell after booting my clonezilla CD (it came in handy after all) and run lilo on them to make the new disk bootable. Everything seems good, now. I ran the full test from SeagateTools (st) again, today, just to verify that all was still good. It was. I now have an empty PV in my LVM volume group that I will need to remove before I add any new Logical Volumes (LVs), but I can do that any time. Since there are no LVs on it nothing will attempt to read from it, or write to it.

I'll keep an eye on the disk for a while, but this should fix the problem. If I ever have a failing disk again I hope that I will remember this method because the LVM pvmove command really did make moving to another disk easy. The hard part was dealing with the root/boot partitions and getting the new disk bootable.

Hopefully this thread will help someone else who has a similar problem in the future.


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