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Re: Debian-ML_Automatically spoof MAC address


Thank you for your answer.

On 2017-02-09 01:19, Pyroteus wrote:
-  give a try # tail

Do you mean "Tails"? Tails is not an option here.

- type on your browser : how to spoof his MAC address on linux

Yeah, I did that, didn't find any working solution so I came and asked here.

- https://xmodulo.com/spoof-mac-address-network-interface-linux.html

I know how to spoof a mac address temporarily and permanently, that's not what I'm trying to do.

- Modern Linux distributions like Ubuntu typically use Network
Manager, which provides a graphical way to spoof a MAC address. For
example, on Ubuntu you’d click the network icon on the top panel,
click Edit Connections, select the network connection you want to
modify, and click Edit. On the Ethernet tab, you’d enter a new MAC
address under “Cloned MAC address” and save your changes.

Network Manager is broken when it comes to mac address spoofing, I'm too tired right too go and find the bugs back there are/were a series of bug about the fact that Network Manager won't honor mac address passed to it through the GUI or simply won't let the mac address being changed.

IIRC, the devs didn't see the point of fixing that behavior and that's why 90% of the articles you can find about "how to spoof the mac address via a GUI" discourage the use of network manager and the reason why it's not used in tails [1].

[1] https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/macchanger/

And while we are stuck in Prehistory with network manager on our desktops, iOS (a fucking mobile operating system) randomizes the mac address of the device even for scanning [2].

[2] https://9to5mac.com/2014/06/09/ios-8-randomizes-mac-address-while-scanning-wifi-blocks-marketers-tracking-you/


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