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Re: An Embarrassing Progblem

On Mon, Jan 23, 2017 at 02:43:12PM -0500, S. P. Molnar wrote:
> I added PS1="\u@\h >" to the end of .bashrc and sourced the file -  it 
> worked, in that terminal.  However, if I open a new terminal (I'm using 
> xfce4-terminal) the prompt is back to the corrupted one!

Normally when you open a terminal, it *should* run a non-login shell.
If your account's shell is bash, then the non-login shell will read

However, some people configure their window managers to run a login
shell when they open a terminal.  In that case, if your account's
shell is bash, the login shell will read ~/.bash_profile which in
turn *should* be configured to read ~/.bashrc.

So, make sure ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile sources or dots in
~/.bashrc.  Debian's default ~/.profile does so, but if you created
a ~/.bash_profile, that overrides ~/.profile, so you'd have to check
your own work.

> Rebooting the computer doesn't solve the problem.

Not a surprise.

> I have initiated a search of the entire file system for PS1= , although 
> I suspecct it take a while.

You said the new prompt has p4 in it, which makes me suspect that you
have installed something (like, say, p4) which modified your ~/.bashrc
to change the prompt.  Or it might have modified /etc/bash.bashrc which
Debian's bash also uses.  It's worth looking at it.

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