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Re: NFS msg: Unable to find suitable address


On Thu, 19 Jan 2017 10:01:43 -0600
Dennis Wicks <wix@mgssub.com> wrote:

> This is what happens:
> 	sudo mount //robin/znfs/edrv -o user=,password= /mnt
> 	Unable to find suitable address.
> The server is Jessie 8.7 and NFS-V4 (I think!)

Why guess? It listens tcp:2049 - it's nfsv4. It does not - it's nfsv3.
Jessie comes with NFS2/3/4 support, NFS4 being the default.

> The directory is exported as:
> 	/znfs/edrv/ *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,root_squash)

If this is a result of 'showmount -e' then it does not proof anything
(showmount always uses nfsv3). If this is a result of 'exportfs' on
server - then it's a different story.

> And the mount is:	> /dev/sdf1 on /znfs/edrv type ext3 
> (rw,relatime,data=ordered)

You mean - the mountpoint on a server? Good to know, hardly relevant to
the issue.

> I can't find any info that looks like a solution to the problem.
> Anybody have a clue? A hint? Seen it before?

Sure. First, nobody mounts nfs like you do. It's done differently.

Second, they give you automounter which simplifies things.

Third, assuming 'robin' is a hostname, and you're using ipv4:

sudo mount -t nfs -o soft,tcp robin:/znfs/edrv /mnt

Last, but not least - https://wiki.debian.org/NFS


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