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Re: wicd trouble -- continued

On Thu 28 Jul 2016 at 15:15:52 -0600, Glenn English wrote:

> > On Jul 28, 2016, at 1:27 PM, David Wright <deblis@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> > 
> > 2016/07/28 07:35:36 :: Flushing the routing table...
> And that's when wicd deletes the routes. But if the table had been set
> up by wicd to use the eth0 interface, it would have been useless. I
> know this isn't correct because I switch back and forth between WiFi
> and Ethernet all the time. So wicd doesn't use the routing table?

This flushing of the routing table is done because the device might now
be on a different network. It has nothing to do with the routing table
being torn down when a static gateway cannot be pinged.

> > 2016/07/28 07:35:47 :: not verifying                   ←----------
> Not verifying *what*? Its new IP? The routing table? Pinging the AP?
> > 2016/07/28 07:35:47 :: Connecting thread exiting.
> > 2016/07/28 07:35:51 :: Sending connection attempt result success
> Looks like it may work on DHCP since it doesn't verify something...

For a static setup the gateway is pinged. Wicd is supposedly verifying
the supplicant's association with the AP but it is really testing
whether the gateway exists. The thinking behind doing this may be
because wicd itself might have filled in the gateway IP incorrectly or
the user might have chosen some silly values for the netmask or gateway.

On the other hand, it trusts the dhcp process so doesn't bother with

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