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Re: error "sh: 1: exec: ...: File exists" with dash

EEXIST does sounds like a strange reason for exec(2) to fail.
Did you strace -f to confirm that EEXIST is indeed set by
execve() ?

I've seen weirdly-named files appear in NFS-exported file
systems. I seem to remember they were related to deleted files
but it might happen in other circumstances. A name collision
could explain EEXIST. I would take a look on the NFS server.

Assuming you've managed to successfully use IPC::Open2::open2
on other executables in the same NFS-mounted file system and
it is only mymaple that fails : if mymaple is a script, what is
it's shebang line ? Is file creation involved somehow ?

Shot in the dark : does the error go away if you remove the
"2>&1" part ?

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