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Missing ifuse package in Jessie

I thought it would be nice to see if I could sync my iPad with my Jessie box. I downloaded all the packages that online research suggested I would need:

apt-get install ideviceinstaller python-imobiledevice libimobiledevice-utils libimobiledevice4 libplist2 python-plist ifuse

However, the ifuse package was not found in the Jessie repository. Checking the Debian Wiki. it lools like ifuse is indeed not in the repository:

Package ifuse

So, it is in Wheezy, and Stretch, but not Jessie? This leads me to suspect it has issues, probably dependency ones, like an updated dependency package not making the freeze cutoff. And I am not one to go willy-nilly upgrading random dependency files to get one package, however much I want ifuse.

Can anybody add any actual fact to my suppositions?

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