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question about aptitudetask-ldxe

Greetings everybody, I hope you have had and enjoyable day;

I am currently logged into a raspi 3b with an armhf jessie-lite install.

That means the only x is enough to export it.  But I know for a fact that 
x can run quite well, I have seen it do so.

But that install was well and truly wrecked because the kernel wasn't 
pinned, and it was a realtime kernel. So the updater overwrote the 
kernel with one that can't do the job and by the time I realized the 
kernel running wasn't the right one, and I could not force the 
re-installation because it couldn't, even as root, overwrite the overlay 

So this is a fresh install of jessie-lite for armhf.

Installing lightdm, and telling it to open a default "seat" gets me a 
teeny little, non-movable terminal with just enough mouse to allow  me 
to put keyboard focus on it.  From there I can cd around, run nano, or 
even run the app I built this to run, linuxcnc.

But I need a real "desktop", so despite the fact that aptitude has 
totally destroyed my systems twice with its wild dependency removals, 
its the only thing I have that can show me a list of files.
So I am sitting with task-lxde-desktop selected, and looking at a 
screenfull of red because its dependencies aren't satisfied.
I want to install  it, but not as it shows in the view.

If it will install everything marked in red, then it will install a bunch 
of stuff I absolutely do not need for this job, like 500 megabytes of 
libreoffice stuff.

Help please, or tell me how to run synaptic, it won't let the default 
user, pi run it without the ROOT passwd, which something in polkit-1 has 
kittens over because that makes me not the logged in user, or if I 
become root and try to run synaptic, it can't open display 10:.

So aptitude guru's, how do I install lxde so I might have a useable 
desktop, without also installing half a gigabyte of libreoffice I do NOT 
need on a limited resource machine.

If I need to use a libreoffice/openoffice tool, I have half a dozen other 
x86 boxes about the place that can run it just fine.

Many Thanks for any help.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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