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Re: *WHY* does Debootstrap wiki page point Users to Ubuntu?

On 2016-11-28, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think you are overreacting a bit.
> I think you are obviously an Ubuntu supporter or fan.  I'm with Cindy.  It is 
> creeping insidiously.
> Lisi

I thought the short example existed simply to illustrate the fact
that it is possible to install other distributions within Debian with
debootstrap (they might have chosen Linux Mint or Fedora, I guess, to
satisfy conspirationists such as yourself). The converse is equally
true. What is it that is creeping?  I'm not sure. Maybe it's terminology
drift since the wiki employs the term "operating system" where it seems
to mean distribution (I mean, Ubuntu and Debian rely on the same
underlying OS, do they not)?

“It is enough that the arrows fit exactly in the wounds that they have made.”
Franz Kafka

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