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Re: The difference between XTerm and UXTerm?

On 2016-11-19 13:22 +0200, Teemu Likonen wrote:

> What's the practical difference between XTerm and UXTerm? I know that
> they need different class in .Xresources file. I also know that UXTerm
> is a wrapper for XTerm (to change a couple of settings). I have read its
> man page. People in the net say that UXTerm is XTerm with Unicode
> support.

Don't believe random pages on the net, the manpage seems to be correct

> But still, what's the difference? I don't see any. For Unicode and UTF-8
> both terminals seem to work exactly the same. I have used /usr/bin/xterm
> many years.

Nowadays uxterm is pretty much obsolete, but 15 years ago UTF-8 locales
were rather esoteric, and the uxterm wrapper allowed people to easily test
them without changing their normal environment.  If you already use a
UTF-8 locale like almost everyone does these days, uxterm is not needed
or useful.


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