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Re: Invoking ddrescue


You may as well use /media instead of /mnt.
I think it makes no decisive difference for your purpose.

The following discussion wanders away from the request for help
into the field of best practices with system administration:

I quoted:
> >   http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#MNTMOUNTPOINTFORATEMPORARILYMOUNT
> > "/mnt : Mount point for a temporarily mounted filesystem

Pascal Hambourg wrote:
> Sounds clear : *a* *temporarily* mounted filesystem.

Clear only until you read on further
  "This directory is provided so that the system administrator may
   temporarily mount a filesystem as needed. The content of this directory
   is a local issue and should not affect the manner in which any program
   is run."

What if the admin needs to temporarily mount two filesystems ?
Why should the _directory_ and not the _mounted filesystem_ contain
something ?

I read two conflicting models from both specs. LFH leans to /mnt/*,
whereas FHS leans to /mnt.
Obviously a clear word was not intended back in 2004.
(I drag with me a /mnt directory with entrails since last century. So i
 cannot even tell what Debian installs.)

On my own systems i use the /mnt/* model, because it does not interfere
with /media, where the automats are working.

Have a nice day :)


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