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Re: looking for a piece of software that will take an url (say to a blog post) and email me the contents

ok, thanks Davidson, very much.

this indeed works for me (opening an url in lynx, the 'p' to print,
then choose mail).

i guess the only wrinkle is that you have to do it on some host where
mail works.

and perhaps that's why browsers like firefox do not do this---i
suppose that often when you set up a computer at home, you won't
provision it to be able to send mail.  If this is really the case,
then it would be a support headache if people were always calling in
asking for help in setting up mail on their boxes.

anyhow, for my use case, which is to do this, but pretty infrequently,
your method is as good as i could reasonably hope for.


On Wed, Nov 9, 2016 at 4:33 PM,  <davidson@freevolt.org> wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Nov 2016, davidson@freevolt.org wrote:
>> On Sat, 5 Nov 2016, Dan Hitt wrote:
>>> Thanks Miles (and also Dan P and Celejar for other solutions).
>>> Indeed Firefox has an archive format (maybe called 'maff'?), but how
>>> could you mail it to yourself?
>>> That is, how could you mail the maff without taking your hands off the
>>> keyboard, or switching apps or something like that?
>>> Ideally, the way it would work is you find a blog post or something
>>> that you like, then you go to a drop-down menu, and select 'mail this
>>> to me'.  Are there any plugins that are so savvy?
>> Regarding your interface preferences, lynx itself provides precisely
>> such a menu. Providing appropriate scripts, for the entries in the
>> menu to call, is up to you.
>> See
>> http://lynx.invisible-island.net/lynx_help/cattoc.html#header007
> But wait!
> In lynx, for this particular task it gets even easier:
> While viewing a web page in lynx, issue the PRINT command (either by
> hitting the locally mapped key, which is probably 'p', or by entering
> ':print').
> You will be offered a menu of links like this:
> Print Options:
>    Save to a local file
>    Mail the file
>    Print to the screen
>    Print out on a printer attached to your vt100 terminal
> Select the 'Mail the file' link, and you'll be prompted for an email
> address to which to send the page.
> What gets mailed is WYSIWYG: If you are viewing the rendered page,
> only the plain text (as rendered) will be mailed. To mail the html
> document lynx was served, switch to source view first (hit '\' or
> enter ':source' ) and then mail it.

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