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Re: looking for a piece of software that will take an url (say to a blog post) and email me the contents

On 11/5/16 6:01 PM, Dan Hitt wrote:

Does anybody know of a piece of software that you can give an URL to,
and it will then fetch the url and email the contents to you?

This could be a stand-alone app on the desktop, or a plug-in to a
browser, or a web site, or some combo.  (I guess it could be a
pipeline of curl and some mail program, but i'm afraid i'd just get
piles of incomprehensible text.)

Well you might try:

curl http://www.foo.com | uuencode page.html | mail myname@mydomain.com
( echo "Content-Type: text/html"; curl http://www.foo.com) | sendmail myname@mydomain.com

Now, if you want all the components of a page - like embedded images and such, or an entire site - then you might explore some of curl's options for downloading a site, pipe that through zip, and email the archive.

Or... most browsers will do this for you!

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In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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