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Re: debian 6 ssh telnet not working

On Sun, Sep 25, 2016 at 02:25:47PM -0400, Dave Cullins wrote:
> Hello
> I am using Debian 6 for my server.

Debian _6_? As in Squeeze? (if I remember right, given Jessie is 8)

> SSH & telnet are not working, they both used to work.  Router setting look
> good and were confirmed by the Linksys support.

My guess is either incompatibility of SSH libraries, or, since telnet 
also seems to be affected, incompatibility of mDNS eg your older server 
is not running Avahi and hence isn't making its presence known. That is 
a guess though, and is based on the assumption that both server and 
client are on your local network. Situation will no doubt be more 
complicated if they are not.

> when i try to telnet to my server i get ....
> "Connection Refused By Host"

I echo Brian's comment -- start with trying to ping the server from the 
client. Can the client see the server? Well actually...

1) Can the client ping the server by IP address not by name? If no, 
you have a routing problem between your client and your server and we 
will need to know much more about your setup to help you diagnose it. 

2) If yes, can the client resolve the name of the server into an IP address 
for itself? (determined by whether a ping by name instead of IP address 
works in the presence of a positive answer to 1) ). If so, I would start 
to suspect incompaitibilities between client and server libraries. If 
not, and 1) was yes, you can ssh using the IP address while we 
collectively try to figure out why name resolution is not working.

3) If the server is _not_ on the same network as the client, what is the 
output of -- "dig <name of server>" when run from the client?

eg dig myserver.made.up.address.com

(you may need to first install the dnsutils package for dig to work)

For what it's worth, either during wheezy days or maybe late squeeze, I 
forget, some other ssh clients I use stopped working with my server because 
the client upgraded to a later version of SSH and the server didn't, and 
the client would not accept the server's version, regarding it as 
insecure, but the error message you got wasn't clear that that was the 
issue. Something similar could be going on here if the client side is 
less prehistoric than your server side.

I presume advocating an upgrade of your server wouldn't be considered helpful?


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