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Subject: Adding partition(s) to a Debian install pendrive

Is there any way to add another partition after copying the the DVD-1 install 
image to the pendrive?  

I found subchapter 4.3. of the Debian GNU/Linux Installation Guide: "Preparing 
Files for USB Memory Stick Booting" 
(https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/amd64/ch04s03.html.en) and tried to 
follow some of the instructions--In section 4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using 
a hybrid CD or DVD image, I see:

The hybrid image on the stick does not occupy all the storage space, so it may 
be worth considering using the free space to hold firmware files or packages or 
any other files of your choice. This could be useful if you have only one stick 
or just want to keep everything you need on one device.

Create a second, FAT partition on the stick, mount the partition and copy or 
unpack the firmware onto it. For example:

# mount /dev/sdX2 /mnt
# cd /mnt
# tar zxvf /path/to/firmware.tar.gz
# cd /
# umount /mnt

From the above, I inferred that I should be able to create a 2nd partition 
after copying the DVD-1 image to the pendrive, but I tried quite a few 
approaches (that I might describe in a follwup email if someone really wants 
to know) and I'm beginning to believe it can't be done that way.

And, that, instead, you have to follow the procedures in section 4.3.3. 
"Manually copying files to the USB stick \u2014 the flexible way".  

I'll characterize those as, generally, partition the USB stick, then add the 
installer image (and, iiuc, you have to use a different install image than the 
DVD-1 .iso.) and a different procedure.

Am I missing something?

PS: Aside: The "instructions" above don't address creating a second FAT 
partition, only copying stuff to it after it is created--I may send a patch to 
the maintainer of that document after I fully understand the situation to make 
it more clear.

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