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Re: Beginning of the End for Wheezy [sigh!]

On Sun, 17 Apr 2016 14:48:56 -0700
Bob Holtzman <holtzm@cox.net> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 09:34:05AM +1000, Paul Trevethan wrote:
> > On Sat, 16 Apr 2016 15:27:17 -0700
> > Patrick Bartek <nemommxiv@gmail.com> wrote:
> >   
> > > Much to my regret (and others, too, I'm sure), yesterday, on 15
> > > April 2016, the beginning of the end began for Wheezy. Google, as
> > > announced months ago, finally ceased support for its browser on
> > > Wheezy.  I double checked just to be sure, and in the course of
> > > that check also discovered "official" Debian support for Wheezy
> > > will cease in a little over a week on 26 April 2016 -- just 3
> > > years after its release.  However, it will automatically enter
> > > LTS until 2018 at which time all support ceases and EOL
> > > "officially" occurs. 
> > > 
> > > Well, at least I have time to look for an alternative. Maybe,
> > > Devuan will be viable by then, but I doubt it.  Or Debian will
> > > offer a choice of inits as a standard option during installs on
> > > future releases, but I very much doubt it.
> > > 
> > > B
> > >   
> > 
> > If you want a rock solid Debian based system with no systemd - check
> > out Antix distribution.  
> There is no mail list, only a forum. It shows systemd in it's package
> list. 

Available if you want it in the repos - not installed. Read the forum
notes, it is designed as non-systemd.


It is about the Dragons - it was always about the Dragons!

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