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Re: User's bin path not recognised in login script

On 22/03/16 02:40, David Christensen wrote:

Did you remember the 'export' in .profile?

     export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

It might help to add echo's in the various scripts to check the order in
which they run -- e.g. verify that .bash_profile runs before your bash
login script, so that PATH includes $HOME/bin.

Thanks for the export point which I have now used. However it doesn't solve the problem.

I experimented by adding the following line into ~/.bash_profile, ~/.profile and ~/.bashrc:
echo "This is <scriptname>" &>>/tmp/out.txt

Neither of the profile files triggered the output, nor did .bashrc until I manually opened a Mate terminal from the desktop. So it appears that the profile files do not get invoked at any time.

I've even tried changing the PATH which is set at the top of /etc/profile, but this doesn't work either, so it looks like profile files are ignored altogether.

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