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Re: systemd and bash scripts

dear Michael, 

I know it does nothing because it is supposed 
to source other script-lets that each do  a specific 
"cryptsetup...create" and mount the decrypted
devices, but I get no /dev/mapper entries. 

Now, I have followed Jean-Baptiste's suggestion and
wrapped the damn thing in an execve() call and still 
nothing happens. This, combined with no-one having 
heard of systemd refusing to run scripts makes
me suspicious of the source-d scripts themselves;
so it might not be because of systemd itself 
but more of the environment it sets that clashes
with some script (maybe a missing env var or 
non-terminal stdin/out/err)

muchas gracias to both, knowing it is not an
inherent systemd restriction makes it my problem,
so (eventually) I'll see into it  

best regards
On Sat, 2/27/16, Michael Biebl <email@michaelbiebl.de> wrote:

 Subject: Re: systemd and bash scripts
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 11:05 PM
 Am 26.02.2016 um 17:42
 schrieb tand.read:
 > dear debian
 > I am
 testing my own systemd unit (a service) 
 > that has this
 [service] section:
 > Type=oneshot
 ExecStart=/root/bin/mytest.sh start
 ExecStop=/bin/echo /root/bin/mytest.sh stop
 ("Want="-ed by multi-user.target and 
 > "After="
 and I try it out with systemctl start/stop-ing 
 > it when the system
 is fully on
 > the
 ExecStop works fine, showing in journalctl,
 > but ExecStart does nothing (not a single
 > in journal), and systemctl status
 shows it
 > as "loaded" and
 "active (exited)", but not
 > a
 single line of the mytest.sh script has run
 How do you know that?
 Can you share the .service
 file and your mytest.sh
 Why is it that all of the
 instruments seeking intelligent life in the
 universe are pointed away from Earth?

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