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systemd and bash scripts

dear debian supporters,

I am testing my own systemd unit (a service) 

that has this [service] section:

ExecStart=/root/bin/mytest.sh start
ExecStop=/bin/echo /root/bin/mytest.sh stop

("Want="-ed by multi-user.target and 

"After=" local-fs.target)

and I try it out with systemctl start/stop-ing 

it when the system is fully on

the ExecStop works fine, showing in journalctl,
but ExecStart does nothing (not a single line
in journal), and systemctl status shows it
as "loaded" and "active (exited)", but not
a single line of the mytest.sh script has run

The only difference I see with ExecStart and
ExecStop is that the stop-one calls a binary
(and works) while the start-one calls a 

script (and goes to the bitbucket). Is there
any shadowy setting that causes systemd 

NOT to run bash scripts as Exec* directives?

thanks for any pointer


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