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After first USB release unable to communicate with USB device

Am Using Libusb 0.1 to test my printer code. The code runs as expected with 2.6.32 kernel in debian 6. However, After debian 8 upgrade we notice that printer responds for very first read operation after reboot, For rest of command executions READ fails with*ENODEV*.

By doing this, I lost communication with the device

|1. USB_OPEN()
2. Claim the interface
3. USBBulkWriteOnEP (FW version request fro my device)
4. Release the interface
5. Claim the interface
6. USBBulkReadOnEP
7. Release the interface
8. Usb_close()
9. Loop on GOTO1.


*However, if i insert USB_RESET after every read operation the command work..*


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