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Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

Le 06/01/2016 13:00, Martin Read a écrit :

To me, the OP doesn't seem to be asking for an "accommodation" at all,
but rather for the images to be removed and similar material excluded
from Debian in future.

sexism - like describing women as men's toys should be prohibited (apart for historical work), and images may be such. I didn't find the time to scan the opencliparts collection, but I very easily see what can be a problem.

Debian code of conduct (https://www.debian.org/code_of_conduct) do not speak of this aspect of the problem.

Fosdem one (https://fosdem.org/2016/practical/conduct/) is a bit more comprehensive, but not much

That said I see more and more in large meetings people asking against sexism that still shows in some diapos.

I also remember of discussions asking why there are so few women around, when they are more present in IT world...

it's mostly a matter of respect: do not blame somebody for his gender, religion or color (or anything else like fatness or dumbness...)


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