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Re: sexist content in the package openclipart2-png

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:24 PM, Brad Rogers <brad@fineby.me.uk> wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Jan 2016 10:21:02 +0900
> Joel Rees <joel.rees@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Joel,

Hello, Brad,

>>of the clipart out into a separate package so that a child looking for
>>a general image of a woman won't bump into a male sexual fantasy
> Not aimed at any person, just observation.....
> By putting "sensitive" images in a separate package, one *highlights*
> them, thus enabling those children one's intention it is to protect,

Conflation on conflation -- Which children? What does protect mean?

> to find them a good deal more easily.

The children who go looking for them will find them anyway. In some
ways, it's better for them not to have reason to brag about how hard
they had to work to find them.

The way things are now with openclipart2, children -- and adults --
who aren't looking for that kind of thing will bump into it while
looking for something else. It's kind of like teenagers getting
together for a dance and somebody spiking the punch with vodka.

>  Whether that's preferable to
> lumping the images in with a more generalised package is up for debate.
> It's a two edged sword;  Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
> Either way, somebody gets upset/annoyed.   :-(


But the problem with the debian openclipart2 package is precisely the
lack of organization.

You can't find wht you want without rifling through the lot, and you
end up finding lots of things you don't need, and some you really
didn't want. And you're not sure what you're going to see until you
see it. (Even using graphical editors, when you select the image to
open it, you see the preview.) And the file names help in some cases,
but don't help at all in others.

openclipart is much better indexed, but it needs help, too. Both
packages need crowd help to catalog the index -- sort, index, and
improve the descriptions.

I've been looking around the openclipart.org site, signed up, etc.,
but I haven't yet tried to contact the people who manage it to see if
they would be interested in direct help. I need to do that, and anyone
else interested could lend a hand, as well.

And maybe we need to file a bug about the images that started this
thread. I admit I'm not absolutely sure that's the best solution. But
the packages do need help, if anyone here can spare the time.

Joel Rees

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Arm yourself with knowledge of yourself, as well:

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