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Outgoing mail, was Re: Fetchmail may almost be working in pop3.

Quoting Martin G. McCormick (martin@server1.shellworld.net):

> Are there flags I can send to exim4 to see what the
> message looks like which will probably tell me which headers are
> wrong? This will make it possible to go through exim4-config
> once again to see what I set wrong since the smtp server must
> not try to resolve the fake host name. All it knows about is the
> mailname and the password.

I don't have any domainname set behind my router, just hostnames.
So exim says "hostname --fqdn did not return a fully qualified name,
dc_minimaldns will not work. Please fix your /etc/hosts setup."
which I ignore as it appears to have no effect both at home and
in motels etc.

mail sent by smarthost; received via SMTP or fetchmail (sets dc_eximconfig_configtype)
foo (my hostname, sets /etc/mailname)
smtp.xxx.xxx.xxx::25025;smtp.yyy.yyy (smarthosts, sets dc_smarthost)
yes (hide local mailname, sets c_hide_mailname)
xxx.xxx.xxx (visible domainname, sets dc_readhost)

Those are the non-default responses you should need.
xxx.xxx.xxx is the domainname I use, and I need 25025
because the good people at yyy.yyy block port 25 etc.
yyy.yyy is my ISP.

The only other addition is in /etc/exim4/passwd.client
which has the line
where the email-address and mypassword is one of any number I can set
up with my domainnamehost. yyy.yyy doesn't require me to authenticate
because there's cable from here to there.


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